Month: April 2016
Woo-hoo! Editing finished for ALWAL – The Spy…
Read more: Woo-hoo! Editing finished for ALWAL – The Spy…Yeah! Turns out I was generally pretty happy with what I had in the final stretch of A Lie Within A Lie: The Spy, also known as A Lie Within A Lie 2… so I managed to finish up the editing today. Hurrah!
More ALWAL progress… and my guess at a release date
Read more: More ALWAL progress… and my guess at a release dateI’m entering into the home stretch with editing of A Lie Within A Lie: The Spy, now down to less than 20K to go. I’m pretty pleased with what I’m seeing, as well.
Progress on A Lie Within A Lie: The Spy
Read more: Progress on A Lie Within A Lie: The SpyAs you also probably know, I’m editing ALWAL Part 2 – The Spy – right now. What you might not realize is that The Spy is double the length of The Singer, so it’s a big mountain.
Welcome to my new mask fiction site!
Read more: Welcome to my new mask fiction site!Well hey there, welcome to my new mask fiction site.. and of course, my new blog. Breath in that new website smell. It’s like a mixture of cough drops and moth balls. It’s been… oooh, about 16 years since the last time I held a mask fiction related domain, and of course, has long…
What ‘A Lie Within A Lie’ is, and what it isn’t
Read more: What ‘A Lie Within A Lie’ is, and what it isn’tWhy A Lie Within A Lie is not the same kind of book as Practice to Deceive, which you might be wondering about.
The secret origin of A Lie Within A Lie
Read more: The secret origin of A Lie Within A LieNote: This is a very old blog post (from 2008) that I moved over from my previous blog (you can find the original version here). I moved it because it’s a good insight into my original inspiration for what was originally known as The Babysitter, and finally became A Lie Within A Lie. Can you…