Note: This is a very old blog post (from 2008) that I moved over from my previous blog (you can find the original version here). I moved it because it’s a good insight into my original inspiration for what was originally known as The Babysitter, and finally became A Lie Within A Lie.
Can you remember the earliest times you felt – ahem – stirred by the prospect of masks or disguises?
I’m sure we all have a story (unless you just wandered onto this page by accident, in which case, seeya later), and for a lot of us it might involve Mission: Impossible or similar. That’s a common touchstone, but I bet all of us have our own unique memories. If you’re anything like me, those memories haven’t faded too badly over the years, even though your original source may have long disappeared.
One of my earliest ones was of course the primary inspiration behind the Spider-Girl series – a single panel, really, of Betty Brant pulling on her mask. Don’t know why, but that sure as hell got me. I also carried with me, for years, another turn-on from about the same time. I could see the image as clearly as anything in my mind’s eye, and I knew the story it came from. That’d be this image here:

That there is a corner of a front cover to Eagle comic, dated 22nd January 1983. I know this because I have a copy sitting next to me, lent to me by a friend (who, of course, has no idea that I asked to borrow his entire collection of vintage Eagle comics, in part, just so I could find this particular issue). Given that issue’s cover date, I would have been 10 years old when that issue hit the stands.
Well, now I know about when adolescent hormones started for Young GW.
That image drove me crazy, particularly when I read the story inside. Invisible Boy was a series where the kid in question (‘Tim’, who looked quite a bit like how 10-year old Ghostly Writer saw himself) could, erm, turn invisible. So far so dull. But of course while the comic story dealt with ‘interesting’ situations like Tim helping out refugees and stopping crimes, in reality what hormone-plagued boys like me wanted to see was Invisible Boy doing what any normal kid would do… sneak around and see girls naked.
Any normal kid. I wasn’t normal, as we all know by now.
What Young GW wanted to see was girls in disguises. I’d already developed strange feelings after watching Mission: Impossible’s Lynda Day George… and we all know how that Betty Brant crush manifested itself (admittedly, about 17 years later). So when my eyes clapped on that image on the front of that issue, you’d better believe I flipped straight to the Invisible Boy story.
It’s not like it’s Shakespeare, and no, I won’t send you scouring the Internet to find some obscure ‘torrent file so we can all read it. (Although if I had a scanner and not a crappy iSight camera, I’d share.) Basically Tim’s single scientist of a father gets a new housekeeper… and of course as we all know from that spoiler of an image, said housekeeper is actually a gorgeous blonde in disguise. Or as Tim puts it:

Yeah, emphasis on the word ‘like‘ there, Tim. Still, she was blonde and kinda cute – but more importantly, she had just pulled off a wig and glasses! For Young GW, this meant she was a mistress of disguise, and hence a sex goddess. I would not be argued with, even if we all went back in time and tried.
Over the next three weeks my little adolescent heart went pitter-patter as I picked up each issue, hoping to see ‘Miss Martin’ transform herself for some obscure reason. I didn’t get my wish, although I did get these two panels:

… and fairly obviously, so could little ol’ me. So much so in fact, that the image above of ‘Miss Martin’ pulling off her wig stuck in my brain for 24 years… and in case you were wondering, here’s where all this becomes relevant to our supposed topic…
… that image has inspired the plot of a potential story called, right now, The Babysitter. I think you can imagine where it might go.
And that, my friends, is what you call a tease.