Yeah! Turns out I was generally pretty happy with what I had in the final stretch of A Lie Within A Lie: The Spy, also known as A Lie Within A Lie 2… so I managed to finish up the editing today. Hurrah!
The other good news is that I feel confident I can get the thing formatted and ready a lot quicker than ALWAL: The Singer. Which means I can definitely hit my release date; May 14th. A Saturday! I’m giving you a whole weekend to devour this thing. (Remember, it’s twice the size of the first book….)
Anyway, if you haven’t visited the book page here on the site, here’s a sneak at the cover…

Of course, now I also have to figure out how to do paperback version of both books, which is a whole new challenge. I’m on a bit of a roll so maybe I can try it out in time for the launch? That’d be nice.
One or two of you contacted me about ALWAL and not being able to buy it via Amazon. That’s frustrating, considering Amazon’s huge reach, but it’s inevitable for a little longer; basically as part of Kindle Unlimited, a book has to remain exclusive for three months. I think I’m about to get my first royalty payments for the KU version of ALWAL, so we’ll see how that stacks up against book sales. If it’s good, then I’m afraid ALWAL 2 will be in KU for at least 90 days too. However, if you’re burning to see ALWAL 2 in other formats earlier than that, let me know. I still intend to sell them on Gumroad too at some point, probably both as PDFs and standard eBook formats, for those who are Kindle-haters.
So, editing done, pre-order soon, paperback versions to come… and then what? Who knows. On to the next thing I suppose! Stay tuned for more blog posts. And please, leave a comment! It feels a bit lonely out here some days. You can register here.
2 responses
Wow! That was fast. Can’t wait for The Spy. Although, your website description has me thinking that Ethan might actually be the one who knows more than he’s leading on…
Hey, a comment! Yay! Although that reply button is still too big, dammit..
Don’t pay too much attention to the site description. It was was written in haste as kind-of-placeholder. I means it’s accurate, I guess, but don’t read too much into it. All-new description is up now as the pre-order is live. You have less than two weeks to wait! 🙂