Flexin’ those fingers, flexin’ those fingers. This is a warm up for writing.
Or it’s procrastination. But the good thing is, either way, there’s words at the end of it! Yay! Okay, some random stuff.
I checked: You’re The One That I Want (I namechecked it last time, right?) is just over 12K words right now. That’s before the rewrite that, goddammit, I’m doing today. End of January, I said, right? Right.
Progress continues on the sequel to Practice to Deceive, and I namechecked that too, right? Didn’t I? Well, anyway, it’s called Seeing is Deceiving. I’ve had that title for years. I have the title for a third book too. Hope for your sake if I do write a third one it doesn’t take, umm, eight years to get done.
Anyway yes, progress, and I actually put it on Instagram, which I never ever post to but here you go, just so we have a picture.
Oh, turns out I put it on my Story so you had to be following me to see which sort of defeats my purpose here. And look at that moire pattern, yuck. This is why I hate the ‘verité’ (blurgh) of phonecam-aimed-at-monitor shots.
Yes, I know it’s just 266 words but as I tell myself on these days, that’s 266 more than I had before, when I had none! Also, we’re up to 108K, which is… more. And more is good.
Back to that after I take a crack at editing YTOTIW – easier than You’re The One That I Want but also, jeez, what a terrible acronym.
Okay, fingers feel warm. Time to make the words.
And hey, you’ve been good. Here’s the opening to (sigh) YTOTIW. As it currently stands, pre-edits. You can tap/click for the original. Sorry for the squinting.

That’ll do. Laters.