The One I Want – out now (ish)

It’s February 1st. And you know what that means –

… don’t go back and look at any other February 1st entries because I will feel horrendously embarrassed by the span of time between the last thing I released and this thanks

The One I Want: promo image
Out now. Kinda. Sorta.

We’re doing something different here

The One I Want is making its debut on Gumroad, not on Amazon. And there’s a few reasons for that.

  1. The cover is highly likely to change, and I like to go out with a final, great cover on Amazon. (Learnt my lesson on Practice to Deceive.)
  2. I’ve had feedback from a few peeps that they had trouble buying on Amazon, so wanted to ensure this (DRM free, PDF only) option was available from the start.
  3. It’s actually going to be (shhh!) cheaper on Gumroad than Amazon. It’s priced at $4* right now on Gumroad; it’ll be at least $5 on Amazon. (I’m likely rejiggering all my prices, to be honest.)
  4. Er, the Amazon version isn’t ready and I wanted to keep my promise and get it out in February. So there.

Above and beyond all that, I’m also able to offer two different versions of the same story on Gumroad. As it’s a plain ol’ PDF, you get both ‘Letter’ sized and ‘A4’ sized. It’s purely for those of you who like to print stuff. I know you’re out there.

Now; if you’re a die-hard Kindle person, you can still import the PDF to Kindle if you like or you can wait a little while and it’ll make its way to Amazon. You’ll pay like a buck more, but it’ll be in your Kindle library, easy to download everywhere, still available to you if your backups die, etc.

Oh and of course, Amazon has reviews. So that’d be nice.

With all that said

The One I Want isn’t entirely my typical kind of story, but then it’s entirely atypical either. It’s got steamy sex. It’s got disguise. It’s got all the latex thingummies and doodads.

What it doesn’t have is a transformation scene. It’s implied (this is a male-to-female scenario, spoilers and all that) but it’s not shown ‘on-page’. For some, that might be a bummer. If so, I wanted you to know up front.

I’ve written dozens of transformation scenes in Practice to Deceive, Her Substitute and even (eventually) in A Lie Within A Lie, so I don’t feel it’s exactly lacking in my repetoire. But, if it’s your primary reason for reading, just know that going in.

It’s still, like, super hot though. So I’m told.

And hopefully you’ll tell me! I’m still hammering on the comments and the contact form, but you can always email me directly; details are in fact, in the PDF file.

Now what am I forgetting oh yeah

ps – congrats to the person who, I presume, got some sort of notification from Gumroad and snuck in to buy this early

* Strictly speaking it’s “$4 or above”. Gumroad lets you pay more. So if you wanna ‘tip’ me, essentially, I’d appreciate it – but not required!




3 responses

  1. maskeddani Avatar

    Looking forward to reading this! Please put it up on Amazon as soon as possible, that’s where I find purchasing to be easier.

    1. gw Avatar

      You’ll be seeing it on Amazon this week, fingers crossed!

    2. gw Avatar

      Wanted to let you know that TOIW is live on Amazon now!