Wow, 2 years? Or is it 4?
Read more: Wow, 2 years? Or is it 4?Every year about this time, in a highly idiosyncratic and in no way common routine, I start thinking about the year just gone and the year ahead. It’s interesting. You should try it. Anyway. Shitty jokes aside, let’s talk. First: yes, I know, I suck, I haven’t published a thing, etc etc etc. Let’s just…
Not dead
Read more: Not deadI know it’s crazy. Anyway. I’m ditching my old theme and going old school. Less flashy but it’ll load faster. Just wanted to explain the visual change for the two people who might see this…
End of year
Read more: End of year2017 has sucked. It could have been way worse, of course. I haven’t contracted a major disease. I have a place to live. I have a job. In comparison to some other years in the ’10s’, it’s been good in a lot of ways. In the way you probably care about, in relation to my…
Her Smile is now an audiobook
Read more: Her Smile is now an audiobookHer Smile is now an audiobook. Yes. With a professional actress reading it in sexy, sultry tones. You know you want to hear this.
Reminder: price increase on Her Substitute (and other stuff)
Read more: Reminder: price increase on Her Substitute (and other stuff)Well. Time flies, eh? Blah blah blah cliché, blah blah blah aphorism. Here we are at the end of February, just about, so I figured I was overdue for an update.
Her Substitute is… out now!
Read more: Her Substitute is… out now!Welcome to February, and that means today… Her Substitute is out! Yay!
Her Substitute – paperback is being published
Read more: Her Substitute – paperback is being publishedPutting the final touches on the paperback version of Her Substitute…
Her Substitute extract: Darien transforms
Read more: Her Substitute extract: Darien transformsDarien is preparing himself for an evening with Jimmy’s phys ed coach…
Her Substitute extract: the bathroom
Read more: Her Substitute extract: the bathroomHere’s your first extract from Her Substitute, on sale February 1st.
All the details on Her Substitute
Read more: All the details on Her SubstituteWith less than a week to go before Her Substitute arrives, I wanted to answer a few questions and give you a few details.